
Baby on the way

Well it’s mere days before baby #2 arrives. Monti is such a sweetie. Think she may know something is up. Our possible names are:

  • Josie
  • Roxanne – Roxy
  • Maxine-Maxi-Max
  • Casey

Elsa likes Cici or something like that.

I also like Samantha.. Probably a few more. It is hot hot hot.. No breeze we are dying here in the Long beach apartment… Lesa and Gabe here… Lesa here to help with the new baby before she goes back to school. Elsa’s parents coming in this Thursday I believe. It will be a full house here.

But back to Monti. She was crabby today – didn’t eat very well and went down for a nap at 11:30 am which is early for her. They went to 2nd street then but came back and M was crabby. I had a big presentation for Disney – the intro of the G5 to them. It went well.

We ask monti – where’s your sister? She points to her belly. So cute. She has ceased saying awwright right after we gave the grandpas the tee shirt. Guess she read it and got disgusted with herself. Elsa big and uncomfortable. Not sleeping well. Our bed a fit and fury of heat… We have fan blasting on it. Elsa pressuring us to finish with the name ideas. she is starting to pack for the hospital. I am not nervous this time – in fact i’m looking forward to it . I should really get my camera and everything together. maggie breaking up with fess or having serious problems. I am not sure where they are at at the moment but I know it’s hard on her and him. I feel bad it’s been 5 months since i’ve written last. I’m sure there have been things i’ve forgotten but I guess you have to start again sometime……..Monti will count all the way past ten.. sometimes she jumps around. She likes a show called Dora the explorer. Stil likes Maisy but not as much as before. She also likes blues clues. She is getting better about letting elsa go away. She can be babysat. Elsa and I saw first movie in a long time the other day – Whale Rider. Good movie.Well i’m tired and should head to bed. I’m reading Bone Collector right now. Elsa also reading a Jeffrey Deaver book.


Monti on the Potty?

Monti is saying “pooh” and such now.. We think she may be getting close to sitting on the potty…

She is so sweet. Got her haircut last week by Nani.. She calls her Nina.



Monti now says quite a few words…

Awwright is Yes

May = maisy – her favorite mouse

Poppa = dad

Tick Tock = mom

Nani = elsa’s mom

Don’t think she can say grampa yet.

She will repeat just about anything you say to her however…

She doesn’t seem to like Maggie much but poor mags just keeps trying.

Has a hard time saying maggie

Loves Cottage Cheese…

Can say Mickey Mouse (mick Mous)

Quite afraid of the Disney rides these days. Elsa and Kim took the girls to Disneyland a few weeks back and Monti got afraid in the Pinnochio ride and the Pirates ride I think, so now, even on Small world, she cries iin between areas (the dark areas).

She is so damn sweet. She sleeps with her arms straight up and tries to turn throughout the night. She still sleeps with us, and no change in sight, however she barely nurses anymore. She likes to take afternoon nap, but doesn’t like to go to bed at night much. I’m sitting in LAX waiting to get on a plane to San Jose for some training on Xserve RAID. Monti and Elsa flew to Chicago this morning for a week. I will be flying right to Las Vegas this Friday to meet the guys there. then Back Sunday night – mags will pick me up with Mat, who is visiting colleges out here for grad school.

My current computer is a 1Ghz G4 DP with a 17″ mac flat panel and a 20 ” Dell Flat panel. My powerbook is a 15″ 500Mhz g4 titanium.

Monti loves cut strawberries, smoothies,… She LOVES oatmeal, esp the strawberry oatmeal by quaker. She asks for it at almost every meal. Dad was just out, … He lost Bill Cutshall a couple of weeks ago and is taking Jeff through the paces… He was out for business but then extended with us the past weekend. Apple’s stock is around $15 right now. The world is tense.. We may go to war w/iraq, N. Korea is threatening… A rare cloudy day in LGB.. They are flying the planes out the opposite direction due to storms over the ocean. I am rooming with Brian Loose.



I call Monti “Gums” or “Gummalowski” or “Gumby”

She doesn’t like to sleep with just me.. Cries like crazy when E goes to the bathroom.

She likes to use her fork… Likes to stab potatoes and eggs. And when done she throws it on the ground.

I am working on the SchottenServer stuff. Elsa helping but worrying about gifts for Xmas. I’ve been loading games up on my XBox.


Night Night

Monti loves to say Night Night though it sounds like Neye-neye.

She probably just gets breastfed (we call it the keeks) and that’s why she likes it.

She has an unbelievable temper and loves to throw fits. She loves to flop backwards into the floor or WHATEVER when she gets mad. She usually hits something on the way back which compounds her anger.

I have been stressed out over impending presentations on LDAP and Active Directory integration with Mac OS X.


Monti’s Hair

Monti’s Hair looks copper to me. She has 8 teeth. She loves to throw a fit by putting her head against the ground like she is worshipping. She has such a SHORT fuse with her temper. I can’t help but laugh when she does it.

Weather – 70 degrees on this Monday morning. I just got off two conference calls.

She hates to go to bed. We dance with her, rock her.. Just when you are laying her down…. Eyes flutter. boom she’s awake. Elsa is reading a book a week almost now, while she rocks her. Reading Michael Connely books and Daneil Silva these days. I am too reading a Daniel Silva book.