
Black Lightning

By John Saul. Narrated by Richard Ferrone. I have a thing for good narrarators – Richard Ferrone is one of those that I’ve only heard once but I think he did a great job. As far as the book goes – it was quite entertaining but the ending was a little… too much Hollywood for me. Still one of the better ones. (My rating 7.5/10).


Black Sunday

Althought I haven’t heard this one in a while… It’s one of my favorites. Frank Muller is the narrator. The book is by Thomas Harris of Silence of the Lambs fame. This is his first major book that he released in the early 70s. Frank Muller narrarates this book very well. Small factoid, the main female terrorist character of the book – Dahlia Illiad(sp) – is who we named Dahlia after. I highly recommend this book. (My rating 9/10)


Honey Smacks

Monti: “daddy you have to try these (referring to Honey smacks)”
Joe: ” no thanks.. i don’t care for them”
M: But they have honey
J: heh no thanks
M: here read the gradient (ingredients)



Dahlia goes “iwandaaaaa” (I want that)….. “waaaah” (water)…. So damn cute.


First Post. Empty House.

Well the girls are out of town with the grandparents in OR. I’m supposed to be getting ready for a conference call tomorrow am. Instead I am playing WoW… L29.. hopefully 30 soon.


London Bridges

Monti & The girls are in Chicago for 1.5 weeks.

Quick funny story – monti wakes up.. walks in by D… grabs her legs and starts singing London Bridges…. moving them in and out….Dahlia wakes up to this…. and makes the sign for more more.. they do it over and over.. cute as hell


My Little Cuties



Dahlia saying a few more words.. but not really. she’s very lazy. She is starting to do animal noises now which is hilarious. Grandparents love to see the signing. Dad was out last weekend to help build the Pergola. We pulled it together very quickly even though we had nasty weather. Monti learning about boyfriends/girlfriends.. But doesn’t really understand that. Which is good. She is also learning about Christ and such. Elsa resigning her back up for school.

Monti is going through a ‘death’ phaze.. she talks about it a lot (whether mommy is going to die on drive to pick her up, etc.) Teachers say that monti is extremely affectionate… very loving. says that she is a hugger… loves everyone. Teachers sister came in for one class and fell in love with her.

They both love chocolate… i put some easter egg chocolates in a small bowl for each.. they thought it was the best thing. both are healthy thank God…….. First time in a while.

Workfront : I’m almost 70% of my weighted #, less than half through the year. This is great.


Dahlia Signing

We are teaching Dahlia to sign since she has been so reluctant to start.

Monti is hitting less now. I am trying to bribe her to not pee pee in her diaper that I still put on her at night. She is now completely potty trained (yay!) otherwise.

D is eating like a horse but a recent cold is slowing her down. I can’t believe how much she eats. She is so photogenic.

I need to start videotaping more. The job is going well.. Numbers are pretty good.

Elsa is stir crazy taking care of the girls. She is in “paint the house” mode. We just finished up the bathroom — colored it a darker green version of the color I have here in my office.



Monti says the word “six” like “since” or “because”.

I can’t eat that six i just ate one of those daddy.

Dahlia now points to things and can somewhat get her points across in this fashion.

Dahlia is a chocolate NUT. We have a santa candy dish on tv. . she always walks near it.. points up at it and goes


Monti and her seem to get along a bit better these days. We had Madeline over yesterday. Babysat her for a couple of hours. Monti would not stop talking “and this is my cat, and this is my dad. here is our christmas tree” Poor mad was sort of homesick. I guess she didn’t sleep well. Elsa thinks she’s a failure of a mom around her since she couldn’t make her loosen up.

Went downtown to see the “windows”. It was a bust. Dahlia was bad. We pretty much left right after we got there.

girls are getting bigger.

i’m stressed about my job.. have to do cold calling with bosses boss on thursday. one on one. should be a very interesting day.

not close to making our number.. really need some big deals to come in in next couple of week.s

elsa getting sick of day in day out routine with the girls.

we are all looking forward to two weeks in Chicago.

dahlia definitely has a temper